Words and music: Charles M. Fillmore

[Dad's key: F#]

Verse 1
When (G)I was but a little child, how (C)well I recol(Am)lect
How (D7)I would grieve my mother with my (G)folly and neglect.
And now that she has gone to Heaven,
I (C)miss her tender (A)care,
Oh (D7)angels, tell my Mother I'll be (G)There!

Chorus 1 [as sung by Dad]
Tell (G)Mother I'll be There in (C)answer to (Cm)her (G)prayer.
Oh, (D7)tell my darling Mother I'll be (G)There.
Tell Mother I'll be There, oh, (C)angels to (Cm)her (G)bear.
Oh, (D7)tell my darling Mother I'll be (G)There.

Chorus [original version]
Tell (G)Mother I'll be There in (C)answer to (Cm)her (G)prayer.
This (D7)message, guardian angels, to her (G)bear.
Tell Mother I'll be There, Heaven's (C)joys with her (Cm)to (G)share.
Yes, (D7)tell my darling Mother I'll be (G)There.

Verse 2
Though (G)I was often wayward, she was (C)always kind and (Am)good,
So (D7)patient, gentle, loving, when I (G)acted rough and rude.
My childhood griefs and trials
She would (C)gladly with me (A)share,
Oh (D7)angels, tell my Mother I'll be (G)There!

Chorus 2 [as sung by Dad]
Tell (G)Mother I'll be There in (C)answer to (Cm)her (G)prayer.
Oh, (D7)tell my darling Mother I'll be (G)There.
Tell Mother I'll be There in (C)answer to (Cm)her (G)prayer.
Yes, D7)tell my darling Mother I'll be (G)There.

Verse 3
When (G)I became a prodigal and (C)left the old roof-(Am)tree,
She (D7)almost broke her loving heart in (G)mourning after me.
And day and night she prayed to God
To (C)keep me in His (A)care,
Oh (D7)angels, tell my Mother I'll be (G)There!

Verse 4
One (G)day a message came to me, it (C)bade me quickly (Am)come,
If (D7)I would see my Mother, ere the (G)Savior took her Home.
I promised her, as she died,
For (C)Heaven I was pre(A)pared,
Oh (D7)angels, tell my Mother I'll be (G)There!

Chorus 3 [as sung by Dad]
Tell (G)Mother I'll be There in (C)answer to (Cm)her (G)prayer.
Oh, (D7)tell my darling Mother I'll be (G)There.
Tell Mother I'll be There in (C)answer to (Cm)her (G)prayer.
Oh, (D7)tell my darling Mother I'll be (G)There.

Listing of All Chords in This Song