Daily Treasures for October 6th

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Daily Treasures for October 5th

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Daily Treasures for October 4th

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Daily Treasures for October 3rd

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Daily Treasures for October 2nd

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Daily Treasures for October 1st

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Hundreds of Promises on the Keys of the Kingdom Scattered on 61 Diferent Topics!!

(Download the book “THE KEY CARDS” to your Device)

Beauty and Old


By Tara Woods and Barbara Diamond
Courtesy of http://www.littlethings.com/tara-wood-mr-dan/
Tara Wood’s daughter, Norah, was gearing up to celebrate her fourth birthday. On the day before her big day, Norah happened to explain to Tara her affinity for elderly folks — their soft skin, their slow-moving gestures, and how — since they’re reaching the end of their lifespans — she wants to “love ‘em all up before they is died.
The next day was Norah’s birthday, and after school, Tara took her to the grocery store to buy some cupcakes.
After browsing the bakery, they stopped at a clearance section — and before Tara knew it, Norah was standing up in the shopping cart and waving directly at an old man standing in the same aisle.
“Hi old person! It’s my birfday today!” she proclaimed, desperate for the “stone-faced and furrow-browed” man to respond with just as much excitement.
Tara was mortified that Norah called him an “old person.” She wanted to apologize profusely, then quickly be on their way.
But just as Tara was about to shush Norah, the elderly man stopped and turned to look right at the little girl.
What happened next began a chain of reactions that changed the lives of not only the elderly man, but also Tara, Norah, and their entire family.
“The day before my daughter Norah’s fourth birthday, she foreshadowed a remarkable event.
“I’d just picked her up from preschool when she cautioned me to mind the elderly person walking across the parking lot at a glacier’s pace.
“She went on to explain that she has a soft spot for mature folks: ‘I like old peoples the best ‘cos they walk slow like I walk slow and they has soft skin like I has soft skin. They all gonna die soon so I’m gonna love ‘em all up before they is died.’
“Sure, it got kinda weird and dark at the the end there, but I liked where her heart was.
“I was struck by her thoughtfulness and empathy and posted that quote as a status update on Facebook when we got home. I had no idea how much she really meant it.”
“The following day — her birthday — again on the way home from school, she asked if we could stop at the grocery store to buy celebratory cupcakes for her and her six siblings to enjoy after dinner.
“How do you say ‘no’ to a birthday girl?”
“I popped Norah and her younger sister in one of those enormous and cumbersome grocery carts shaped like a car, and headed toward the bakery. After we picked up the cupcakes, I stopped at a clearance shelf that caught my eye.
“While I was distracted, picking up and then dismissing the bottles of almost expired Ranch dressing and cans of Ensure, Norah was busy standing up in the cart, excitedly waving and gleefully proclaiming, ‘Hi old person! It’s my birfday today!’
“The man was elderly, stone-faced, and furrow-browed. However, before I could ‘shush’ her for calling him an ‘old person’ or ask the Earth to swallow me whole, he stopped and turned to her.
“If he was troubled by my no-filter-having child, he didn’t show it. His expression softened as he replied, ‘Well, hello little lady! And how old are you today?’
“They chatted for a few minutes, he wished her ‘happy birthday,’ and we went our separate ways.”
“We found the man a couple of aisles over and I approached him. ‘Excuse me, sir? This is Norah, and she’d like to know if you’d take a photo with her for her birthday?’
“His expression rapidly morphed from confused to stunned to delighted.
“He took a step back, steadied himself on his shopping cart, and placed his free hand on his chest. ‘A photo? With me?’ he asked.
‘Yes, suh, for my birfday!’ Norah pleaded.
“And so he did. I pulled out my iPhone and they posed together. She placed her soft hand on top of his soft hand. He wordlessly stared at her with twinkling eyes as she kept his hand in hers and studied his skinny veins and weathered knuckles. She kissed the top of his hand and then placed it on her cheek. He beamed. I asked his name, and he told us to call him ‘Dan.’
“We were blocking other shoppers and they didn’t care. There was magic happening in the grocery store that day and we could all feel it. Norah and Mr. Dan sure didn’t notice they were chatting away like long lost friends.”
“After a few minutes, I thanked Mr. Dan for taking the time to spend a bit of his day with us. He teared up and said, ‘No, thank YOU. This has been the best day I’ve had in a long time. You’ve made me so happy, Miss Norah.’
“They hugged again and we walked away. Norah watched him until he was out of view.
“I’d be lying to you if I told you I wasn’t a weepy mess after their encounter.
“Later that night, I received a private message from a local reader who recognized Mr. Dan.
“His wife, Mary, had passed away in March, and he had been lonely since his beloved had gone. She wanted to let me know that she was certain his heart was touched by my little girl — that he needed it and it likely would never forget it.
“I asked for his phone number and called him a few days later.”
“We made a visit to Mr. Dan’s cozy and tidy house — reminders of Mary still proudly displayed everywhere you look. He had gotten a haircut, shaved, and was wearing slacks and dress shoes. He looked ten years younger.
“He’d set out a child’s table, blank paper, and crayons out for Norah. He asked if she’d draw some pictures for him to display on his refrigerator. She happily agreed and went right to work.
“We ended up spending nearly three hours with Mr. Dan that day. He was patient and kind with my talkative, constantly moving girl. He wiped ketchup off of her cheek and let her finish his chicken nuggets.”
“As we walked him to his front door after lunch, he pulled out a pocket knife and cut the single red rose blooming by his porch. He spent ten minutes cutting every thorn off of the stem before handing it to his new friend.
“She keeps that rose, now dry as a bone, in a Ziploc bag under her pillow.”
“Norah asks about Mr. Dan every day. She worries about him. She wonders if he’s lonely, or cold, or has cheese for his sandwiches. She wants him to be okay. She wants him to feel loved.
“Mr. Dan thinks about Norah, too. After another recent visit, he relayed that he hadn’t had an uninterrupted night’s sleep since his wife died. He told me that he has slept soundly every night since meeting my girl.
“‘Norah has healed me,’ he said.
“That left me speechless and my cheeks wet with tears.”
“Seventy-eight years separate, these two people in age. Somehow, their hearts and souls seem to recognize each other from long ago.
“Norah and I have made a promise to see Mr. Dan every week — even if it’s only for fifteen minutes, even if only for a quick hug and to drop off a cheese danish (his favorite!).”
“I’ve invited him to spend Thanksgiving with us. He’s part of our family now. Whether he likes it or not, he’s been absorbed into my family of nine and just like Norah said, “We’re gonna love him all up.”
“Sometimes talking to strangers can lead to beautiful new beginnings.
“Give it a try.”
It’s no wonder this incredible story is touching hearts all over the world. I’m so happy Mr. Dan and Norah have found one another, and here’s to many more years of friendship.



By Stephen Strutt –
Courtesy of http://www.outofthebottomlesspit.co.uk/421013521



Back in 2004 my wife and I took two trips to Romania. The first trip involved just my wife and I, visiting missionaries in Romania, and seeing their wonderful work with child cancer patients in Timisoara. The 2ND trip my wife and I, travelled with four of our children, who were aged 5,7,9 & 11. We were staying in the house of friends, in the rural suburbs of Brashov. It was around HALLOWEEN, and the kids were restless to get out and explore. The house were we were staying had a very small garden, but beyond it were extensive and beautiful forests. So we went off on a walk through the very scenic forest. However we hadn’t gone very far, when in the distance we could see a large rectangular contained area. We were yet around 300 yards away from it, when it is hard to explain but I suddenly “sensed exactly what it was”, without being close enough to be able to physically know what it was.

We also knew very little about Romania at the time, and its history. When one of my kids asked, “Dad, what do you think that distant structure is, I sort of blurted out, “ I believe that that is probably the grave-yard of young Romanian soldiers from the days of the communist wars.

We then walked up to the rectangular large area, and soon discovered that it indeed was a large grave-yard, but even more curious, there was a plaque there, stating that the grave-yard was full of young Romanian communist soldiers, most of whom had died at the very young age of 17-18. ( We did understand the language, as we had been many years in South America and spoke both Spanish and Portugese, and a little Italian. Romanian is a language made up of different Latin languages.)

You can imagine, we were absolutely amazed, as we all stood in front of the young people’s grave-yard, we suddenly felt so sorry for those unfortunate young soldiers, who had lost their lives in some crazy war of mankind, at such a young age.

My wife said, why don’t we all pray for these dead soldiers, who probably were forced into being soldiers, and had no idea what they were getting into.

We know from scriptures that “Nothing is impossible with God”, and as Jesus himself stated, “I am the Resurrection and the Life, he that believeth on me, though he were DEAD, yet shall he live!”

So we claimed those verses, and we all held hands, and prayed that if any of the dead soldiers would like to be set free from the grave, that they would turn to the light, and let Jesus save them.

Well, what happened next was SPECTACULAR….. It was like one would imagine a mini RESURRECTION EVENT.

All of a sudden, as we had just finished praying for the dead communist soldiers, we saw lights coming out of most if not all of the graves, and the spirits of those bound soldiers, being released, as they went straight upwards and quickly vanished within a second.

It was a very thrilling witnessing experience, one which we had never attempted before and one we would never forget.

We had felt attracted and compelled to visit the cemetery, long before we even knew that it even was a cemetery. We had never prayed for the dead before that day, but when we realized how young those poor soldiers were, who had died, we felt great sorrow and compassion for them; and that is what motivated us to pray for the dead for the very first time.

That is not quite the end of the story. It difficult to tell, but we think, that around 300 souls got saved from that communist cemetery of young Romanian soldiers that day. Praise Be to God!

Well, an even stranger thing was to befall us, as we got back to the house, where we were staying.

When we got back to our bedroom, it suddenly dawned on us that there was a large presence in our room.

I asked my wife, “what do you sense is going on?” Without hesitation she replied “The spirits of the Romanian soldiers are all here surrounding our room. They were all in their uniforms, and were all smiling. Both my wife and I sensed it at the exact same time, independent of each other. I asked my wife “Why do you think they are here?” My wife replied, they wanted to thank us for praying them into heaven, through Jesus. Then, just as suddenly their presence was gone.

My wife and I and family, were simply ELATED, and just so happy for hours on end.

We now know without a shadow of doubt, that it is possible to pray for dead relatives and loved ones..

…and even other people, because GOD is a God of Love, and cares about each and every soul on earth. “God is not willing that any man should perish, but that all men might come to repentance.