We have been The Children of God, and The Family International.

On behalf of the remnant of the Children of David who may agree with me, I want to thank David Brandt Berg (Moses David), Maria his wife, and Peter Amsterdam, for being our shepherds from 1968 through 2010, having taught us with their words and sample uncountable sound Christian principles from the Bible.

Also I want to very humbly apologize to whomever has been affected and harmed by the following 2 main wrong doctrines we held until 2010, which were,

1. Believing that sex out of marriage was permitted by Jesus, with the excuse that love was the only law.

2. Believing that Moses David was the endtime David, instead of Jesus.


Andres Nueva Vida (Hector Dario Medina Acevedo)
Manager of theaudiokey.com

If you’re interested in knowing more about us, please drop us a note at laclaveenaudio@gmail.com and we will very gladly answer you.