Words: Harriet H. Pierson
Music: D.B. Towner
Capo: 1st fret
Verse One:
(F)Rouse from your slumbers! (C)Day is at (F)hand;
(Bb)Glory of (F)morning breaks (C)over (G)all the (C)land.
(F)God's hosts are marching, (C)banners un(F)furled,
(Bb)Clear (G7)sounds the (F/A)bugle call
A(F/C)round (C)the (F)world!
Chorus One:
(F)Gird (A7)on your armor! Stay not be(Dm)hind!
(C)Rise (G)to the challenge,
(G7)Now (C/G)is (G)the (C)time! (Bb/C)
(F)God goes before you; (C)forth to the (F)fray!
(Bb)Rise (G7)at the (F/A)bugle call and (F/C)march (C)to (F)day!
[March today!]
Verse Two:
(F)Long(Bb)hoped (C)and (F)prayed for (C)Day of our (F)Lord,
(Bb)When Sa(F/A)tan's (C/G)empire (F)falls
(C/G)By the (G7)Spirit's (C)sword!
(F)God's (Bb)hosts (C)will (F)conquer; (C)power from A(F)bove
(Bb)Strength(G7)ens the (F/A)soldiers of the (F/C)Lord (C)of (F)Love.
Chorus Two:
(F)Gird (A7)on (Dm)your armor! Stay not behind!
(C)Rise (G)to the challenge, (G7)now (C/G)is (G)the (C)time! (Bb/C)
(F)God (Bb)goes (C)be(F)fore you; (C)forth to the (F)fray!
(Bb)Rise (G7)at the (F/A)bugle call and (F/C)march (C)to(F)day!
[March today!]
Verse Three:
(F)Souls (Bb)long (C)in (F)bondage (C)sigh for re(F)lease;
(Bb)Hearts sore (F/A)and (C/G)troubled (F)long
(C/G)Cry for (G7)rest and (C)peace.
(F)God's hosts advancing (C)loudly pro(F)claim
(Bb)Hope (G7)of Sal(F/A)vation in the (F/C)Sav(C)ior's (F)name.
[Repeat Chorus Two]
[March today!]
Verse Four:
(F)Shrink (Bb)not (C)from (F)danger! (C)Be not dis(F)mayed!
(Bb)Jesus, (F/A)your (C/G)Leader (F)brave,
(C/G)Calls to (G7)you for (C)aid.
(F)Great is the glory, (C)rich the re(F)ward,
(Bb)Prom(G7)ised the (F/A)soldiers true of (F/C)Christ (C)the (F)Lord!
[Repeat Chorus Two]
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