Words: 1Corinthians 11:23b-26
Music: Sara, Martin / Sara, Windy

Intro: (G)-(C)-(G)-(G)-(C)-(G)

The Lord (G)Jesus the same night in which
(C)He was be(G)trayed took (D)bread:
And when He had (C)given (G)thanks,
He brake it and said, "Take, (C)eat:
(D)This is My body, which is (C)broken for (G)you

Chorus 1:
"This (G)do in remembrance of Me,
This (C)do in remembrance of (G)Me,
Take, eat: this is My body, which is broken for (C)you,
This (D)do in remembrance of (G)Me."

[After the same manner (C)al(G)so, after the same manner (C)al(G)so]
(G)He took the cup, (C)when He had (G)supped, saying,
"This (D)cup is the new testa(C)ment in My (G)blood:
This do ye, as oft as ye drink (C)it, (D)in remembrance of (G)Me

Chorus 2:
"This (G)do in remembrance of Me,
This (C)do in remembrance of (G)Me,
This do ye, as oft as ye drink (C)it,
(D)In remembrance of (G)Me" (Eb)

For as (Ab)oft as ye eat this bread, (Db)and drink this (Ab)cup,
Ye do (Eb)show the Lord's death (Db)till He (Ab)come,
For as oft as ye eat this bread, and drink this (Db)cup,
Ye do (Eb)show the Lord's death till He (Db)come (Ab)

Chorus 3:
"This (Ab)do in remembrance of Me, [do in remembrance of Me]
This (Db)do in remembrance of (Ab)Me,
For as oft as ye eat this bread, and drink this (Db)cup
This (Eb)do in remembrance of (Ab)Me."

Chorus 4:
"This (Ab)do in remembrance of Me, [do in remembrance of Me]
This (Db)do in remembrance of (Ab)Me, [do in remembrance of Me]
For as oft as ye eat this bread, and drink this (Db)cup,
This (Eb)do in remembrance of (Ab)Me,
This (Eb)do in remembrance of (Ab)Me,
This (Eb)do in remembrance of (Db)Me."

Listing of All Chords in This Song