
(E)You (A)say you hate (E)whitey(A).
(E)But your (A)girl friend's (E)white.
(A)-(E)You (A)say you hate (E)blackie
(A)But your (E)boy friend (A)he's black as (E)night(A).

(E)You (A)talk like a (E)militant,
(A)A (E)real strong (A)revolution(E)ary,
(A)[Lively] (E)But when the (A)chips are (E)down,
(A)You (E)cheep like a (A)trained ca(E)nary.

(A)Wooohh, (E)don't be a hypo(A)crite.
(E)-(A)Nooo, (E)don't be a hypo(A)crite.
(E)-(A)Yeah, (E)don't be a hypo(A)crite,
(E)Or you'll (A)fall (E)straddled the (A)fence.

(E)You're (A)running for the (E)senate,
(A)And (E)outwardly your (A)reputation is (E)fine.
(A)But at a (E)hush-hush (A)party up (E)town last (A)week,
You were (E)found smoking (A)dope and drinking (E)wine(A).

Now, (E)you want people to (A)think that
(E)You're a good (A)guy,
So you (E)kiss babies to (A)make things (E)swell(A)
[Lively] You (E)act con(A)cerned about the (E)national (A)crisis,
But you (E)really (A)don't give a (E)damn.

[Repeat Chorus]

(E)You (A)call yourself a (E)Christian,
(A)Every (E)day you (A)pray on every (E)bead.
(A)You (E)wave your (A)hands and you
(E)Shout in your church (A)services.
But be(E)fore men you're as (A)quiet as can (E)be(A).

(E)Now, the (A)Scripture (E)saith (A)that
(E)Thou shalt con(A)fess with thy (E)mouth.
(A)For [lively] (E)whoso(A)ever shall be a(E)shamed
Of the (A)Gospel (E)surely (A)will be left (E)out(A).

[Repeat Chorus]

(E)You (A)have your church (E)functions,
(A)Your (E)social (A)hour every (E)Sunday.
(A)But in(E)stead of (A)talking about (E)Jesus,
(A)You dis(E)cuss the bridge (A)game (E)coming up (A)Monday(E)-(A).

Now (E)you tell (A)people they should
(E)Come (A)and (E)worship on (A)Sunday like (E)you(A).
But (E)I'm here to (A)tell you hypo(E)crite Christian (A)man,
You're (E)stinking, (A)rotting in your (E)pew.

[Repeat Chorus]

(E)You (A)call yourself a (E)Christian,
(A)But a (E)soul to the (A)Kingdom you won't (E)lead.(A)
If you (E)saw a man (A)lying (E)bleeding in the (A)street,
You'd (E)walk on (A)by and let him (E)bleed(A).

(E)-(A)On (E)Sunday you (A)talk about your (E)money,
(A)And the (E)poor people (A)you're des(E)pising,
(A)'Cause they [lively] (E)haven't (A)got the (E)money
To (A)give to (E)keep your ther(A)mometer (E)rising.

[Chorus as often as led]

Listing of All Chords in This Song