Music by Aaron
Words:James 3:l7-l8; 4:l

(D)Aaa(A)ah - (E)Aaa(A)ah
(D)Aaa(A)ah - (E)Aaa(A)ah

But the (A)wisdom that is from a(D)bo(A)ve
[The wisdom that is from a(D)bo(A)ve]
Is first (D)pu(A)re [is first (D)pu(A)re],
Then (A)peaceable [(D)peacea(A)ble],
(A)Gentle [(D)gen(A)tle],
And (A)easy to be en(D)treat(A)ed
[Easy to be en(D)treat(A)ed],
Full of (D)mer(A)cy [full of (D)mer(A)cy],
And good (D)fru(A)its [and good (D)fru(A)its],
Without parti(D)ali(A)ty [without parti(D)ali(A)ty],
And without hy(D)pocri(A)sy [and without hy(D)pocri(A)sy].

Chorus One:
And the (D)fruit of righteousness
Is (A)sown in peace of (E)them that make (A)peace.

(D)Aaa(A)ah - (E)Aaa(A)ah

From (A)whence come (D)wa(A)rs [whence come (D)wa(A)rs]
And fightings a(D)mong (A)you [fightings a(D)mong (A)you]?
Come they not (D)he(A)nce [come they not (D)he(A)nce]
Even of your (D)lu(A)sts [even of your (D)lu(A)sts]
That war in your (D)mem(A)bers [war in your (D)mem(A)bers]?

Chorus Two:
But the (D)fruit of righteousness
Is (A)sown in peace of (E)them that make (A)peace.

(D)Aaa(A)ah - (E)Aaa(A)ah
(D)Aaa(A)ah - (E)Aaa(A)ah

But the (A)wisdom that is from a(D)bo(A)ve
[The wisdom that is from a(D)bo(A)ve]
Is first (D)pu(A)re [is first (D)pu(A)re],
Then (A)peaceable, (D)gen(A)tle, and easy to be en(D)treat(A)ed
[Easy to be en(D)treat(A)ed],
Full of (D)mer(A)cy and good (D)fru(A)its [and good (D)fru(A)its].

[Repeat second chorus several times]

Listing of All Chords in This Song