Words: Hosea 3:5
Music: Aaron David

Intro: (A)

So will I seek out My sheep and will deliver them
Out of all the places where they have been scattered
In the (G)cloudy and dark day.
And I will (A)set up one shepherd over them,
And he shall feed them; even My servant David,
He shall feed them (G)and he shall be their shepherd.(A)

And (A)afterward [and afterward]
Shall the (G)children of God [children of God] re(A)turn.
And seek the (A)Lord their God [Lord their God],
And (G)David their king [and David their king];
And shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter (A)days.
And shall fear the Lord and His (G)goodness in the latter (A)days,
(G)In the latter (A)days, (G)in the latter (A)days, (G)in the latter (A)days.

Listing of All Chords in This Song