Words: Isaiah 25:6,8; Daniel 12:3;
Matthew 25:21; 2Corinthians 5:10;
Revelation 7:16,17; 19:6,7,9; 22:12
Music: Windy, Jeremy, Zeb

Intro: (E)

[Revelation 19:6,7a]
(E)I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude,
Like the sound of many waters,
And like the sound of mighty thunderings,
(D)Saying, "Halle(E)lujah!
(D)For the Lord God Almighty (E)reigns!
(D)Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to (E)Him!"

[Revelation 19:7b,6b,9]
(A)"For the marriage of the Lamb has come,
And His Bride has made herself ready.
For the marriage of the Lamb has come,
And His Bride has made herself ready."
(G)Saying, "Halle(A)lujah!
(G)For the Lord God Almighty (A)reigns!"
(G)Blessed are they, which are called to the marriage
(D)Supper, the marriage supper of the (A)Lamb!

Chorus: [Matthew 25:21b; Revelation 22:12]
(D)Enter thou into the (G)joy of the (A)Lord. Be(F#m)hold,
I come quickly (G)and My re(A)ward is (D)with Me,
To give to (G)every (A)man ac(F#m)cording to his (B)works.

[Revelation 7:16,17a]
(E)For we shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more;
Neither shall the sun light on us, nor any heat.
For the (D)Lamb(E) [Jesus!] (D)which is in the midst of the (E)throne
Shall (D)feed us, and shall (C#)lead (D)us
To living (E)fountains (D)-(F#m)of (E)waters,(D)-(A)
(E)Fountains (D)of (F#m)living (E)waters.

Bridge One: [Isaiah 25:6a,8]
The (G)Lord of Hosts shall (D)make a feast
(A)Unto all (E)people.
(G)He shall swallow up (D)death in victo(A)ry!

[Repeat Chorus]

Musical Interlude:

Bridge Two:
[Isaiah 25:6a,8; 2Corinthians 5:10a; Daniel 12:3]
The (G)Lord of Hosts shall (D)make a feast
(A)Unto all (E)people.
(G)He shall swallow up (D)death in victo(A)ry!
(G/B)-(C)We shall ap(G)pear before Him;
(D)They that be wise shall (A)shine, (C)shine as the stars
(G)Forever (A)more! [Forever more!]

[Repeat Chorus]

(E)Enter (E/G#)thou into the (A)joy of the (B)Lord!
(G#m)Enter thou into the (A)joy of the (B)Lord!
(E)Enter (E/G#)thou into the (A)joy of the (B)Lord!
(E)Enter (E/G#)thou into the (A)joy of the (B)Lord!

(E)-(E/G#)-(A)-(B) Fade

Listing of All Chords in This Song