Composed by Sara Davidito
From 1Cor.11:23-30,34

The Lord (G)Jesus, the night betrayed, (C)took (G)bread,
And (D)when He had given thanks, (C)brake it and (G)said,
"Take, eat, this is My Body
Which is broken for (C)you,
This (D)do in remembrance of (G)Me.(D)

"This (G)do in remembrance of Me,
This (C)do in remembrance of (G)Me.
Take, eat, this is My Body
Which is broken for (C)you,
This (D)do in remembrance of (G)Me."

(G)Also He took the cup (C)when He had (G)supped,
"This (D)cup is the New Testa(C)ment in My (G)Blood.
This do ye as oft as ye drink (C)it
(D)In remembrance of (G)Me,
(D)In remembrance of (G)Me."(D)

Second Chorus:
"This (G)do in remembrance of Me,
This (C)do in remembrance of (G)Me.
This do ye as oft as ye drink (C)it
(D)In remembrance of (G)Me."

For as (G)oft as ye eat this bread (C)and drink this (G)cup,
Ye do (D)show the Lord's death until He (G)come.
For as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this (C)cup,
Ye do (D)show the Lord's death till He (G)come,
Ye do (D)show the Lord's death till He (G)come.(D)

Third Chorus:
Ye do (G)show the Lord's death till He come,
Ye do (C)show the Lord's death till He (G)come.
For as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this (C)cup,
Ye do (D)show the Lord's death till He (G)come.

Where(G)fore whosoever shall (C)eat this (G)bread
And (D)drink this cup of the Lord (C)unworthi(G)ly,
Shall be guilty of the Bo(C)dy
(D)And the Blood of the (G)Lord.

But (G)let a man ex(C)amine him(G)self,
(D)Let a man ex(C)amine him(G)self,
But let a man examine him(C)self,
And (D)so let him eat and (G)drink.(D)

Fourth Chorus:
And (G)so let him eat and drink,
And (C)so let him eat and (G)drink.
But let a man examine him(C)self,
And (D)so let him eat and (G)drink.

For (G)he that eats and drinks unworthily,
(C)Eats and drinks damnation to him(G)self,
Not discerning the Lord's Bo(C)dy,
(D)Not discerning His (G)Body.

(G)For this cause (C)many are (G)weak,
And (D)sickly among you, (C)and many (G)sleep.
And if any man hunger, let him eat at (C)home,
(D)Let him eat at (G)home,
(D)Let him eat at (G)home.(D)

Fifth Chorus:
"This (G)do in remembrance of Me,
This (C)do in remembrance of (G)Me.
For as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this (C)cup,
Ye (D)do in remembrance of (G)Me."

(D)[Repeat Fifth chorus two more times]

"This (D)do in remembrance of (G)Me,
This (D)do in remembrance of (C)Me."


Listing of All Chords in This Song