PFTCOD – BOOK 14: Prayer

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 14” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “The Weapon of Prayer” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Put Me on the Spot” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Make Prayer a Focal Point in your Life” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Walk in Vigilance and Prayer” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 05 “Intercesory Prayer” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 06 “United Prayer” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 07 “Proactive Prayer Tips” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 08 “Prayer Helpers and Hinderes” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 09 “Praying on Target” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 10 “Praying Professionally” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 11 “Full of Faith, Extreme Prayers” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 12 “Out of Bounds Prayer” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 13 “Why Are Prayers Unanswered?” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 14 “Prophecy Vitamins on Prayer” to your Device

PFTCOD – BOOK 13 -The Law of Love

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 13” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “The Law of Love” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Prophecy Vitamins on The Law of Love” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Living the Law of Love” to your Device

PFTCOD – BOOK 2 – Discipleship and Trusting The Lord

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 2” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “Trials are Preparation Courses” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Come Out From Among Them” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Full Time Discipleship” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Prize and Rewards of Discipleship” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 05 “Reach the Rich and Educated” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 06 “Using Praise” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 07 “Full Access to the Keys” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 08 “Spirit Helpers: A New Weapon” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 09 “Living the Law of Love” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 10 “The Loving Jesus Revelation” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 11 “Full Possession” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 12 “The Art of Dependence” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 13 “Unity is Your Sample” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 14 “Living Together as One Wife” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 15 “Our Sample to Our Children” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 16 “Trusting in the Lord” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 17 “Trusting to Receive Prophecy” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 18 “Trusting in Times of Affliction” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 19 “Trusting Through Trials and Tests” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 20 “Prophecy Vitamins on Trusting in the Lord” to your Device

PFTCOD – BOOK 11: Details of My Life

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 11” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “Details of My Life – Part 1” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Details of My Life – Part 2” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Details of My Life – Part 3” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Details of My Life – Part 4” to your Device

• Download PDF of comp. 05 “Details of My Life – Part 5” to your Device

PFTCOD – Book 10: Bitterness and Forgiveness

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 10” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “Bitterness” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Forgiveness” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Prophecy Vitamins on Bitterness” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Prophecy Vitamins on Forgiveness” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 05 “Quotes from Dad on Forgiveness” to your Device

PFTCOD – BOOK 9: Leadership and Shepherding

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 9” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “We All Need Shepherding” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Staying Open to Shepherding” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 03 “What Makes a Good Leader” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Prophecy plus Physical Shepherding” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 05 “Tips from David for Leaders” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 06 “Shepherding Teens” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 07 “Prophecy Vitamins on Leadership and Shepherding” to your Device

PFTCOD BOOK 12: The Great Confusion and the Great Reset

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 12” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “The Last and Final Hour” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 01a “Bible Verses on the Endtime Colonies of David” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Covid-19 and the Great Reset Prophecied” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 03 “The World During the Great Confusion” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Reflections on the Great Confusion 2020 – 2022” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 05 “More Prophecies on the Great Confusion 2020 – 2022” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 06 “The Great Confusion” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 07 “How to Prepare for the Great Confusion” to your Device

First Revelation to Virginia Brandt Berg: WARNING PROPHECY!

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First Revelation to MO: ¡THE CRASH! – a Dream

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Second Revelation to MO: THE GREEN PIG COVID-19! – A Dream

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Third Revelation to MO: ¡THE MONEY EXPLODES! – A Dream

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Fourth Revelation to MO: THE PLAYGROUND! – A Dream

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Fifth Revelation to Mo: THE GREAT ESCAPE! – A Dream

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PFTCOD – BOOK 7: Quality Time with Jesus

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 7” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “Quality Time with Jesus in the Bed of Love” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Quality Time with Jesus and His Word” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Quality Time with the Lord in Meditation” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Time with Jesus Interceding in Prayer” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 05 “Time with Jesus Using Prophecy” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 06 “Time with Jesus Praising the Lord” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 07 “Prophecy Vitamins on Taking Time with Jesus” to your Device

PFTCOD – BOOK 8: God’s Protection

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 8” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “The Lord’s Supernatural Protection” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Divine Protection and Supply in the Endtime” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Living in the Word Protects Us” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 04 “Obedience Gets God’s Protection” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 05 “The Protection Range of Our Spiritual Weapons” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 06 “Prophecy Vitamins on Protection” to your Device

PFTCOD – BOOK 6: Humility

(Download the “PFTCOD Book 6” with all its Compilations to your Device)

• Download PDF of comp. 01 “Humility” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 02 “Weaknesses and Imperfections” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 03 “Loving Interactions Require Humility” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 04 “To Become One with the Lord Takes Humility” to your Device
• Download PDF of comp. 05 “Prophecy Vitamins on Humility” to your Device